
Sunday, 22 October 2017

The Glamlush Fro of Late

Hello Glamlushers!

How have we been? I'm back from the far depths of the earth and the first thing in order is of course a hair update.

Firstly, I texlaxed my hair. Yes. I. Did. The reason being that I was enrolled for my bar exam studies with no free time at all. Apart from church, my weekends were spent studying and at tutorial sessions. It was really hard to squeeze in time. I weighed the option of cutting versus relaxing. I was definitely at a point where I was frustrated with my hair, ready for a fresh start with it,  all while starting a new chapter in my professional life. So I was ready to make the leap. At all times my relaxer was meant to be a temporary phase so that I would start my hair journey all over again when I was ready. So on in December 4th 2016, I telaxed my hair.

First day of texlaxed hair

Getting into the swing of things

My weave was my go-to protective style. A real time saver. 

And then I transitioned into a lot of cornrows hairstyles...this one being my face.

When my hair is out, 9 times out of 10 you will catch me in a bantu-knot out.

Another cornrow style that kept my sanity during the heat

Long story short, school took my time, some weight lol and my hair too. It's doing just okay in the relaxer. I have some breakage and am trying to work my way around understanding it. In the midst of all this, I realised I'm a natural girl at heart and so I am unofficially transitioning back. I miss my naps.

My current state of hair just before I headed out to get my hair done.
So that friends, is the Glam Lush Fro of late. Till the next post! 
xx Bee